Who Am I?

I am Cecilia, a design practitioner and educator based out of London, UK.

My passion for design began probably much earlier than I realised. I learned the word of service design in 2013 when I was working for VR Research and Development Lab, but if I look back, I had always wanted to become a designer even before I decided to go to business school for my undergraduate degree. I was raised by Asian tiger parents in NZ, and they saw design as hobby rather than a proper career path for their child. They wanted me to go to law school, as I had grades that meet both law and business schools, but I could not see myself becoming a lawyer.

In the end, I went to business school, did an MBA, spent some good time in GTM strategic planning and marketing communications with leading multinational companies and intergovernmetnal organisation, such as Louis Vuitton, Richemont and the United Nations. But since after I discovered service design and CX/UX design in 2013, I ‘pivoted’ my career path. Perhaps a PhD journey at the Royal College of Art played a pivotal role in this process, as it gave me plenty of opportunities to surround myself with many designers and artists and gave me an opportunity to ‘consume’ the work of art every single day.

I call myself a T-shaped professional, as I have the breadth of experience (a wide range of industry sectors and geographical locations - 8 countries) and the depth of expertise (UX Research/Design and Service Design)

I had been working as a consultant on a project basis in the past, and I’m available for a short-term consulting engagement. If you need to operationalise human-cenred design into your digital product development process and generate the outcome that positively impacts your customers and business, click the button below to schedule a call with me for discussion.